
A Web-Based Compliance Management and Tracking Solution

April 2020 | Vol. 7, No. 1

Opening Remarks

During this COVID-19 pandemic, you have taken steps to serve your members knowing there would be risk – financial risk, reputation risk, compliance risk, and today, health risk. ComplySight exists to help credit unions manage their regulatory compliance risks. Our ComplySight team has been hard at work updating the content provided in ComplySight, including the inclusion of many of the COVID-19 instigated amendments. We know it is just one small part of the risks you face today and thank you for letting us be part of it!

As you likely concluded, a recent ComplySight Update related to NACHA’s enhancement to Same Day ACH experienced an issue that pushed out many duplicate notifications. Our developers are looking into the cause and a fix to this issue. We apologize for the confusion, inconvenience and full email boxes this created.

Regulatory Alerts and Content Updates

Below you will find a list of the Areas, Items or Factors that have had a Content Update since the beginning of 2020. As a reminder, there is a difference between a Regulatory Alert and a Content Update.

A Regulatory Alert is communication of a regulatory change that creates new content (an Area, Item, or Factor) in ComplySight that prompts an L1 user to act upon. Actions available include the option to: Accept (include this to your list of factors for grading), Decline (do not include this in list of factors for grading) or Delay (make the decision later). If you Accept the content, you will want to review the new requirements to ensure compliance. This could potentially mean an update to policies and/or procedures, additional training for staff, and/or the assignment of a new review for this Area/Item.

A Content Update is a notification that we have updated the wording to an existing Area, Item or Factor in ComplySight. If you have already included the Area, Item or Factor in your ComplySight implementation, the new content will automatically be added. These are not necessarily new requirements, but could lead to the need for making adjustments to policies, procedures, training or compliance reviews. In addition to the Content Updates for Appraisals and ACH, in the first quarter of 2020, content updates were made to:


  • Electronic Fund Transfers - Electronic Transfer Accounts (No longer in use)
  • Health Savings Accounts (contribution deadline)
  • Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRA withdrawals)
  • Reserve Requirements (Threshold update and removal of transaction limit)


  • Consumer Leasing Act (Reg. M threshold adjustments)


  • Ability to Repay (annual Reg. Z threshold adjustments)
  • Credit Cards (annual Reg. Z threshold adjustments)
  • High Cost Mortgages (annual Reg. Z threshold adjustments)
  • Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan Appraisal Exemption (annual Reg. Z threshold adjustments)
  • Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (Reg. C)
  • Loan Participations (Updated information for Originators)

Training & Support


  • VIDEO TUTORIALS – Log in to ComplySight and click on the “Training and Support” page to access our video training tutorials library. Our videos will walk you through all of the areas of the Compliance System in ComplySight from set up through Compliance Review Assignments and Grading, to assigning tasks, understanding Regulatory Alerts and the Export Process. For those working on the Complaint side of the system, there is also a complete set of tutorials for the entire Complaint System process!


  • Technical questions (software operation issues) or general questions can be submitted through the Technical Support form in ComplySight or sent to
  • Compliance-related questions can be submitted through the Compliance Questions form in ComplySight.

Other Resources

Closing Comments

In a time of so much uncertainty, it is common to look for sources of strength and security. I want to express my sincere appreciation to my ComplySight team, system partners and each of you as ComplySight users, because you have provided me strength and security to weather a pandemic, as well as given me a sense of purpose. As financial first responders, there are over 100 million credit union members relying on you for strength and security to manage their everyday lives, which for many has become eminently more uncertain. You have reduced the burden with modified loans, increased limits, eased requirements and created new products/services overnight. While there is still much to be done, I applaud your efforts and am proud to be part of the credit union movement.

Largely driven by league/association partnerships, CURI provides compliance management tools to nearly 400 credit unions nationwide. Everything CURI does is designed by credit unions for credit unions. We value your feedback and welcome your thoughts for improvement. Your input has created what you see today. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your compliance operations!

Stay safe and healthy!


Melia D. Heimbuck, Esq.
Principal of Risk Management Solutions

ComplySight is a product of League InfoSight, CUNA and your State Association or League.

Check with your League/Association for information regarding availability in your state.